Cube Plot

Factorial Designs


Cube plots can be used to show the relationship between factors and a response. Each cube can show three factors. If there are only two factors, Minitab displays a square plot. Minitab draws as many cubes as necessary to show up to eight factors. You can draw a cube plot for two types of means:

·    Data means - the means of the response variable for the combinations of factor levels that are in the design.

·    Fitted means - after you analyze the design for a response, you can plot the fitted means for all combinations of factor levels.


You can create a cube plot with or without a response measure. Viewing the factors without the response allows you to see what a design looks like.

Example Output



For the insulation data, two cubes are used to represent the four factors. The cube on the left shows the response means when cooling temperature = 25. The cube on the right shows the response means when cooling temperature = 45. Use the fitted means on the cube plot to see the model predictions at all of the points in the design.

·     If Formula 2 is used, the injection pressure is high (150), injection temperature is high (100), and cooling temperature is low (25), the fitted mean of the strength of the insulation is 38.8526.

·    If Formula 1 is used, the injection pressure is high (150), injection temperature is low (85), and cooling temperature is high (45), the fitted mean of the strength of the insulation is 23.9115.