Factorial Design - Designs (2-level split-plot)
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design > choose 2-level split-plot (hard-to-change factors) > Designs

Allows you to select a design, add whole plot or subplot replicates, and block the design on replicates.

Dialog box items

Number of hard-to-change factors: Choose the number of hard-to-change factors in your design. When a factor is hard-to-change, Minitab displays [HTC] by default after the column name in the worksheet.

The list box shows all available designs for the number of factors you selected in the main Create Factorial Design dialog box. Highlight your design choice. The design you choose will affect the possible choices for the options below.

Number of whole-plot replicates: Choose the number of replicates of each whole plot. For some designs, the number of whole-plot replicates is 2 by default in order to test the effect of the hard-to-change factors.

Block on replicates: Check to block the design on replicates. Each set of replicate points will be placed in a separate block.

Number of subplot replicates: Choose the number of replicates of each subplot within the whole plots.