Factorial Design - Results (2-level factorial, 2-level split-plot)
main topic
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design > Results

You can control the output displayed in the Session window.

Dialog box items

Printed Results

None: Choose to suppress display of the results.

Summary table: Choose to display a summary of the design. The table includes the number of factors, runs, blocks, replicates, center points, and the resolution, the fraction and the design generators.

Summary table, alias table: Choose to display a summary of the design and the alias structure.

Summary table, alias table, design table: Choose to display a summary of the design, the alias structure, and a table with the factors and their settings at each run.

Summary table, alias table, design table, defining relation: Choose to display a summary of the design, the alias structure, a table with the factors and their levels at each run, and the defining relation.

Contents of Alias Table

Default interactions: Choose to display all interactions for designs with 2 to 6 factors, up to three-way interactions for 7 to 10 factors, and up to two-way interactions for 11 to 15 factors.

Interactions up through order: Specify the highest order interaction to print in the alias table. Specifying a high order interaction with a large number of factors could take a very long time to compute.