Factorial Design - Generators
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design > choose 2-level factorial (specify generators) > Designs > Generators

Allows you to add factors to your model and define the blocks to be used.

Dialog box items

Add factors to the base design by listing their generators (for example, F=ABC): Specify additional factors to add to the design. This allows you to customize designs rather than use a design in Minitab's catalog. Use the following rules to add factors:

·    Enter the added factors in alphabetical order, skipping the letter I which is the Identity element.

·    The total number of factors in the design cannot exceed 15.

·    Use a a unique generator for each factor.

·    Use factors in the base design in the generators.

·    You can use a minus interaction for a generator, for example D = -AB.

If you add factors, you must specify your own block generators to block the design.

Define blocks by listing their generators (for example, ABCD): If you want to block the design, specify the terms to use as block generators. You can use factors from the base design and factors that you added. The number of blocks in the design is 2p where p is the number of generators.