Create Design - Options
main topic
see also 

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design > choose Plackett-Burman or General full factorial design > Options

Allows you to randomize the design, and store the design (and design object) in the worksheet.

Dialog box items

Randomize runs: Check to randomize the runs in the data matrix. If you specify blocks, randomization is done separately within each block and then the blocks are randomized.

Base for random data generator: Enter a base for the random data generator. By entering a base for the random data generator, you can control the randomization so that you obtain the same pattern every time.


If you use the same base on different computer platforms or with different versions of Minitab, you may not get the same random number sequence.

Store design in worksheet: Check to store the design in the worksheet. When you open this dialog box, the "Store design in worksheet" option is checked. If you want to see the properties of various designs before selecting the one design you want to store, you would uncheck this option. If you want to analyze a design, you must store it in the worksheet.