Cube Plot
main topic
see also      

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Cube Plot

You can select the response variable and the 2-level factors to include in the cube plot. You can plot up to 8 factors.

Dialog box items

Type of Means to Use in Plots

Data means: Choose to plot the means of the response variable for each combination of factor levels.

Fitted means: Choose to plot the fitted means for each combination of factor levels.

Response (optional): Select the column containing the response data. When you plot data means, the response variable is optional. If you do not enter a response variable, you will get a cube plot which only displays the design points. This is a nice way to visualize what a factorial design looks like.

Variables to Include in Plots Use the arrow buttons to move terms from one list to the other. Select a term in one of the lists, then click an arrow button. The double arrows move all the terms in one list to the other list. You can also move a term by double-clicking it. If the plot uses data means, all of the factors in the design are selected. If the plot uses fitted means, all of the factors in at least one model term for the response are selected.

Available: Lists all factors that you can show on the cube plot.

Selected: Lists all factors that will be on the cube plot. You must plot at least 2 but no more than 8 factors.