Define Custom 2-Level Split-Plot - Design
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Stat > DOE > Factorial > Define Custom Factorial Design > choose 2-level split-plot (hard-to-change factors) > Designs

Allows you to specify which columns contain the standard order, run order, point type indicators, blocks, and whole plot ID's.

Dialog box items

Standard Order Column

Order of the data: Choose if the standard order is the same as the order of the data in the worksheet.

Specify by column: Choose if the standard order of the data is stored in a separate column, then enter the column.

Run Order Column

Order of the data: Choose if the run order is the same as the order of the data in the worksheet.

Specify by column: Choose if the run order of the data is stored in a separate column, then enter the column.

Point Type Column

Unknown: Choose if the type of design points is unknown.

Specify by column: Choose if your design contains point types, then enter the column containing the point type identifiers.


No blocks: Choose if your design is not blocked.

Specify by column: Choose if your design is blocked, then enter the column containing the blocks.

Whole plot ID column

Specify by column: Choose if you have a column that contains whole plot indicators, then enter the column.

Whole plot size: Choose to specify the whole plot size, then enter an integer greater than or equal to 2. The whole plot size must evenly divide the number of experimental runs.