Response Optimizer - Options
main topic
    see also

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Response Optimizer > Options

Use to define these parts of the analysis:

·    constraints for variable values

·    starting points for the search algorithm

·    properties of the confidence intervals

Dialog box items

Constraints: Use to hold variables at a specific value or to limit the range of possible values.

Variable: Displays all of the variables that are included in a model. This column does not take any input.

Constraint: Choose No constraints, Hold at value, or Constrain to region from the drop-down list.

Hold Value: For each variable that you chose Hold at value, enter a value to hold that variable.

Lower: For each variable that you chose Constrain to region, enter a minimum value.

Upper: For each variable that you chose Constrain to region, enter a maximum value.

Starting values: If the algorithm produces unacceptable results, you can try to improve the results by entering a starting point for the search algorithm.

Variable: Displays all the continuous variables that have been included in a fitted model. This column does not take any input.

Starting Value: Enter a value for each variable. Each value must be between the minimum and maximum levels for that variable. If you enter a constraint for a variable, the starting value must satisfy that constraint. For a categorical variable, choose a starting level from the drop-down list. You cannot enter a starting value for a variable that you specified a hold value.

Confidence level for all intervals: Enter the confidence level. The default is 95.

Type of confidence interval: Choose the type of confidence interval: two-sided (default), lower bound, or upper bound.