Stat > DOE > Mixture > Analyze Mixture Design > Storage
Fits and Residuals
Fits: Check to store the fitted values. One column is stored for each response variable.
Residuals: Check to store the residuals. One column is stored for each response variable.
Standardized residuals: Check to store the standardized residuals.
Deleted residuals: Check to store Studentized residuals.
Model Information
Coefficients: Check to store the coefficients. One column is stored for each response variable. These are the same coefficients as are printed in the output. If some terms are removed because the data cannot support them, the removed terms do not appear on the output.
Design matrix: Check to store the design matrix. When terms are removed because the data cannot support them, the design matrix does not contain the removed terms. The columns of the stored matrix match the coefficients that are printed and/or stored.
Model terms: Check to store the terms that were included in the fitted model.
Hi [leverage]: Check to store leverages.
Cook's distance: Check to store Cook's distance.
DFITS: Check to store DFITS.