Stat > DOE > Mixture > Analyze Mixture Design > Terms
Allows you to
Include component terms for model: Use this drop-down list to quickly set up a model. You can choose linear, quadratic, special cubic, full cubic, special quartic, and full quartic.
Include inverse component terms: Check to include all inverse component terms in the model.
Include process variable terms up through order or Include amount variable terms up through order: The label of this item changes depending on the whether you have process or amount variables in your design. Choose an order for all process variables or an amount variable to include in the model.
Available Terms: Shows all terms that are estimable but not included in the fitted model.
Selected Terms: Minitab includes terms shown in Selected Terms when it fits the model.
Include blocks in the model: Check to include blocks in the model. This option is only available when there is more than one distinct value in the blocks column.
<Options> only available when using Stepwise, Forward Selection, or Backward Elimination methods