Data - Analyze Mixture Design
main topic

Enter numeric response data column(s) that are equal in length to the design variables in the worksheet. Each row in the worksheet will contain the data for one run of your experiment. You may enter the response data in any columns not occupied by the design data. The number of columns reserved for the design data is dependent on the number of components in your design and whether or not you chose to store the design parameters (see Storing the design).

If there is more than one response variable, Minitab fits separate models for each response.

Minitab omits the rows containing missing data from all calculations.


When all the response variables do not have the same missing value pattern, Minitab displays a message. When the responses do not have the same missing value pattern, you may want to perform the analysis separately for each response because you would get different results than if you included them all in a single analysis.