Calculating Achievable Upper Bounds
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When you change the default lower bounds of one component, the achievable upper values on the other components are also adjusted downward. Specifically, the achievable upper bound (Ui) for component i is

Ui = Total for mixture - [L1 +  L2 +  ... +  L ( i-1) +  L( i+1) + ... +  Lq] where L is the lower bound

Minitab prints out both the specified lower bounds and achievable upper bounds in the Session window output. As an example, suppose you have 3 components and you entered 10 in Total Mixture Amount in the Components subdialog box. If you entered the following lower bounds, L1 = 0, L2 = 2 and L3 = 1, then the achievable upper bounds are U1 = 7, U2 = 9 and U3 = 8.