Placement of Axial Points in Augmented Designs
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Minitab augments (or adds points to) the design using the axial points shown below. Each added point is half way between a vertex and the center of the design.

( (q+1)/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, ..., 1/2q ) ( 1/2q, (q+1)/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, ..., 1/2q )

( 1/2q, 1/2q, (q+1)/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, ..., 1/2q ) ( 1/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, (q+1)/2q, 1/2q, ..., 1/2q )

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

( 1/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, 1/2q, ..., (q+1)/2q )

By augmenting a design, you can get a better picture of what happens on the interior of the design, instead of just relying on points on the edges.