Define Custom Mixture Design - Low/High
main topic
    see also     

Stat > DOE > Mixture > Define Custom Mixture Design > Low/High

Allows you to specify the process variable levels.

Dialog box items

Low and High Values for Process Variables

Process Var.: Shows the process variable letter designation. This column does not take any input.

Name: Shows the name of the process variables. This column does not take any input.

Type: Choose either numeric or text for each process variable.

Low: Enter the value for the low level for each process variable.

High: Enter the value for the high level for each process variable.

Worksheet data are

Coded: Choose if the worksheet data are in coded form (-1 = low; +1 = high).

Uncoded: Choose if the worksheet data are in uncoded form. That is, the worksheet values are in units of the actual measurements.