To specify mixture model terms
main topic
    see also 

1    In the Optimal Design dialog box, click Terms.

2    Do one of the following:

·    from Include the component terms up through order, choose one of the following:

linear, quadratic, special cubic, full cubic, special quartic, or full quartic

·    move the terms you want to include in the model to Selected Terms using the arrow buttons

-    to move one or more terms, highlight the desired terms, then click image\lftarrow.gif or image\rtarrow.gif

-    to move all of the terms, click image\lftdarrow.gif or image\rtdarrow.gif

You can also move a term by double-clicking it.


Minitab represents components with the letters A, B, C, ..., skipping the letter T, process variables with X1...Xn, and amounts with the letter T.

3    If you want to include inverse component terms, do one of the following:

·    to include all the inverse component terms, check Include inverse component terms

·    to include a subset of the inverse component terms, highlight the desired terms, then click image\rtarrow.gif

4    If you want to include process variable or amount terms, do one of the following:

·    from Include process variables/mixture amount terms up through order, choose an order

·    move terms you want to include in the model to Selected Terms using the arrow buttons

-    to move one or more terms, highlight the desired terms, then click image\lftarrow.gif or image\rtarrow.gif

-    to move all of the terms, click image\lftdarrow.gif or image\rtdarrow.gif

You can also move a term by double-clicking it.