Specifying Bounds

In order to calculate the numerically optimal solution, you need to specify a response target and lower and/or upper bounds. The boundaries needed depend on your goal:

·    If your goal is to minimize (smaller is better) the response, you need to determine a target value and the upper bound. You may want to set the target value at the point of diminishing returns, that is, although you want to minimize the response, going below a certain value makes little or no difference. If there is no point of diminishing returns, use a very small number, one that is probably not achievable, for the target value.

·    If your goal is to target the response, you should choose upper and lower bounds where a shift in the mean still results in a capable process.

·    If your goal is to maximize (larger is better) the response, you need to determine a target value and the lower bound. Again, you may want to set the target value at the point of diminishing returns, although now you need a value on the upper end instead of the lower end of the range.