Specifying the Importance for Composite Desirability

After Minitab calculates individual desirabilities for the responses, they are combined to provide a measure of the composite, or overall, desirability of the multi-response system. This measure of composite desirability is the weighted geometric mean of the individual desirabilities for the responses. The optimal solution (optimal operating conditions) can then be determined by maximizing the composite desirability.

You need to assess the importance of each response in order to assign appropriate values for importance. Values must be between 0.1 and 10. If all responses are equally important, use the default value of one for each response. The composite desirability is then the geometric mean of the individual desirabilities.

However, if some responses are more important than others, you can incorporate this information into the optimal solution by setting unequal importance values. Larger values correspond to more important responses, smaller values to less important responses.

You can also change the importance values to determine how sensitive the solution is to the assigned values. For example, you may find that the optimal solution when one response has a greater importance is very different from the optimal solution when the same response has a lesser importance.