Analyze Response Surface Design - Options
main topic
     see also

Stat > DOE > Response Surface > Analyze Response Surface Design > Options

Use to:

·    Perform a weighted regression

·    Perform a Box-Cox transformation on your response data when the residuals are not normally distributed or do not have constant variance

When you transform your data, Minitab transforms the response data and uses it in the analysis. Under most conditions, it is not necessary to correct for nonnormality unless the data are highly skewed. When you use Box-Cox, all response data must be greater than 0.


Minitab cannot calculate the optimal l (lambda) when you use a stepwise procedure.

Dialog box items

Weights: Enter a numeric column of weights to perform weighted regression. Weights must be greater than or equal to zero. The length of the weights column must match the length of the response column.

Confidence level for all intervals: Enter the confidence level. The default is 95.

Type of confidence interval: Choose the type of confidence interval: two-sided (default), lower bound, or upper bound.

Box-Cox Transformation

No transformation: Choose to use your original response data.

Optimal l (lambda): Choose to have Minitab search for an optimal value.  

l  = 0 (natural log): Choose to use the natural log of the data.

l  = 0.5 (square root): Choose to use the square root of the data.

l : Choose to transform the data using another l value. Enter a value between -5 and 5.