Contour Plot - Contours
main topic
    see also

Stat > DOE > Response Surface  > Contour Plot > Contours

Use to control the number and placement of contour levels. Specify the number or location of the contour levels, and the way Minitab displays the contours.

Dialog box items

Contour Levels: Controls the number of contour levels to display.

Use defaults: Choose to have Minitab determine the number of contour lines (from 4 to 7) to draw.

Number: Choose to specify the number of contour lines, then enter an integer from 2 to 11 for the number of contour lines you want to draw.

Values: Choose to specify the values of the contour lines in the units of your data. Then specify from 2 to 11 contour level values.

Data Display:

Area: Check to shade the areas that represent the values for the response, which are called contours.

Contour lines: Check to draw lines along the boundaries of each contour.

Symbols at design points: Check to display a symbol at each data point.