Define Custom Response Surface Design - Low/High
main topic
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Stat > DOE > Response Surface > Define Custom Response Surface Design > Low/High

Allows you to define the low and high levels for each continuous factor and specify whether worksheet data are in coded or uncoded form.


Minitab automatically populates the low and high values for continuous factors with the minimum and maximum values from the factor columns. For central composite designs, the minimum and maximum values correspond to the axial levels. To obtain the correct coefficient values when analyzing coded data, you must change these values to  the low and high cube levels.

Dialog box items

Low and High Values for Factors

Factor: Shows the factor letter designation. This column does not take any input.

Name: Shows the name of the factors. This column does not take any input.

Low: Enter the value for the low cube level for each factor.

High: Enter the value for the high cube level for each factor.

Worksheet data are

Coded: Choose if the worksheet data are in coded form (-1 = low; +1 = high).

Uncoded: Choose if the worksheet data are in uncoded form. That is, the worksheet values are in units of the actual measurements.