Analyze Taguchi Design - Options (Static Design)
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Stat > DOE > Taguchi > Analyze Taguchi Design > Options

You to can choose the S/N ratio that best meets the objective of your static design. You can also use a loge transformation on the standard deviations to stabilize their variability.

Dialog box items

Signal to Noise Ratio:

Larger is better: Choose when the goal is to maximize the response.

Nominal is best: Choose when the goal is to target the response and you want to base the S/N ratio on standard deviations only.

Nominal is best: Choose when the goal is to target the response and you want to base the S/N ratio on means and standard deviations (default).

Smaller is better: Choose when the goal is to minimize the response.

Use adjusted formula for nominal is best: Check to use the adjusted formula for the nominal is best (default) S/N ratio.

Use ln(s) for all standard deviation output: Check to use the loge-transformed standard deviations as the response variable in the response tables, regression results, and on the main effects and interactions plots.



The Nominal is best (default) S/N ratio is good for analyzing or identifying scaling factors, which are factors in which the mean and standard deviation vary proportionally. Scaling factors can be used to adjust the mean on target without affecting S/N ratios.