Edit Graph Region - Graph Size
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Select figure region > Editor > Edit Figure Region > Graph Size

After creating a graph, you can adjust the actual graph size or only the magnification of its displayed size. A graph's "true size" denotes its dimensions as it is printed, appended to the ReportPad, or copied into another application. Changing a graph's "zoomed size" affects none of these.

Dialog box items

True Size

Automatic: Choose to accept the default graph size.

Custom: Choose to customize the graph size.

Width: Type the graph width.

Height: Type the graph height.

Zoomed Size (Relative to True Size)

200%: Choose to magnify the graph 200%.

150%: Choose to magnify the graph 150%.

100%: Choose to return the graph to 100%.

75%: Choose to reduce magnification of the graph to 75%.

50%: Choose to reduce magnification of the graph to 50%.

Fit Window: Choose to fit the graph in the graph window.

Specify: Enter a magnification between 10 and 500.


The settings in File > Page Setup will also affect the printed size of graphs.

<Graph Attributes>

<Figure Location>

<Figure Attributes>