Examples of editing a regression fit
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In the Example of a simple scatterplot, you examine the relationship between voltage remaining in your batteries immediately after a flash and the length of time required for a battery to support another flash. You want to modify the regression fit.


1    Open the worksheet BATTERIES.MTW.

2    Choose Graph > Scatterplot.

3    Choose Simple, then click OK.

4    Under Y variables, enter FlashRecov. Under X variables, enter VoltsAfter.

5    Click Data View.

6    Click the Regression tab.

7    Under Model Order, choose Linear.

8    Click OK in each dialog box.


Change line color, line type, and line width.

1    Double-click the regression fit.

2    Under Lines, choose Custom.

·    From Type, choose .

·    From Color, choose .

·    From Size, choose 2.

3    Click OK.

Options and groups

Change the model order and add a grouping variable.

1    Double-click the regression fit.

2    Under Lines, choose Automatic.

3    Click the Options tab.

4    Under Model Order, choose Cubic.

5    Click the Groups tab.

6    In Categorical variables for grouping, enter Formulation.

7    Check Apply same grouping to other data displays.

8    Click OK.