Edit Data Labels - Data Labels
     how to     example     see also 

Select data labels > Editor > Edit Data Labels > Data Labels

Use to change the data label type. You must select all data labels. To add data labels, choose Editor > Add.

Dialog box items

Label Type

None: Choose to suppress data labels.

Use y-value labels: Choose to label each point with its y-axis value.

Use row numbers: Choose to label each point with its worksheet row number. You cannot label histograms, bar charts, interval endpoints, means, or medians with row numbers.

Use labels from column: Choose to label points with values stored in a column. Enter a text, numeric, or date/time column that contains the data labels. Minitab matches the label column to the data column by row number.


If the label column is longer than the data column, Minitab ignores the extra labels. If it is shorter, Minitab does not label the remaining points.

