Example of a two-graph layout
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Suppose you want to create a bar chart and time series plot for a presentation. You want both graphs to appear on the same page, so you create the graphs and then use the layout tool.

Step 1: Create the graphs

  Open the worksheet NEWMARKET.MTW.

2    Choose Graph > Time Series Plot.

3    Choose Simple and then click OK.

4    In Series, enter SalesB. Click OK.

5    Choose Graph > Bar Chart.

6    Under Bars represent, choose Values from a table.

7    Under One column of values, choose Cluster and click OK.

8    In Graph Variables, enter SalesB.

9    In Categorical variable, enter Year. Click OK.

Step 2: Create the layout

1    Choose Editor > Layout Tool.

2    In Rows, enter 2.

3    In Columns, enter 1.

4    In the list box, double-click Time Series Plot of Sales. (Chart of Sales already appears in the layout.)

5    Click Finish.

Graph window output