File formats for saving graphs

You can save a Minitab graph as a separate file outside of a Minitab project in one of several graphic file formats. The format you choose depends on application, graphic quality, and file size requirements. You may have to experiment to find the format that best suits your needs.

·    If you want to view and edit the graph in Minitab or send the graph to a Minitab user without sending the entire project, save the graph as a Minitab Graphics Format (MGF) file.

·    If you want to view the graph in another application, such as Microsoft Word or a Web browser, choose from one of these file formats: Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPG), Portable Network Graphic (PNG), Tagged Image File Format (TIF), Windows Bitmap (BMP), Graphic Interchange Format (GIF), or Enhanced Metafile (EMF). Note that you can change the resolution for JPG, PNG, TIF and BMP files.

Most of these graphics formats can be saved in black-and-white, color, or high color. The more colors you use, the larger the file size, so save in color only if your graph uses colors; save in high color only if your graph uses a large number of colors (as in a 3D surface graph).


"Black-and-white" means there are only two colors, full black and full white, with no grays. Light colors such as yellow may translate to white. If your graph uses any colors besides black and white, save with color; because on a non-color printer the colored lines will print as shades of gray.