Example of editing reference lines and labels
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In Example of a simple scatterplot you created a graph with a reference line. You can edit the reference line's attributes and the label's font, alignment, and display.


Change the line color and size.

1    Double-click the reference line.

2    Under Lines, choose Custom.

3    From Color, choose .

4    In Size, enter 3.

5    Click OK.


Change the label location.

1    Double-click the reference line label.

2    Click the Show tab.

4    Under Show Label, choose Low side.

5    Click OK.


Change the label font color, style, and text.

1    Double-click the reference line label.

2    From Color, choose .

3    Under Style check Bold.

4    In Text, type Acceptable Limit.

5    Click OK.


Change the label angle and position.

1    Double-click the reference line label.

2    Click the Alignment tab.

3    In Angle, type 25.

4    Under Position choose Custom. Then choose Above, to the left.

5    Click OK.