Example of editing scale display, attributes, labels, font, and alignment
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Suppose you have created a simple scatterplot for a presentation. You want to edit the scale's display, scale attributes, labels, font, and alignment.


1    Open the worksheet PULSE.MTW.

2    Choose Graph > Scatterplot

3    Choose Simple and click OK.

4    In Y, enter Pulse1. In X, enter Weight.

5    Click OK.


1    Double-click the y-scale.

2    Click the  Show tab.

3    Check every item in the Low column, and check Axis line in the High column.

4    Click OK.


1    Double-click the y-scale.

2    Click the Attributes tab.

3    Under Tick Orientation, choose Inside.

4    In Length of Major Ticks, enter 0.02.

5    Click OK.


1    Double-click the y-scale.

2    Click the Labels tab.

3    Under Major Tick Labels, choose Specified and enter 'Very Low' Low Average Average 'Higher than Average' 'Very High'.

5    Click OK.


1    Double-click the y-scale.

2    Click the Font tab.

3    From Color, choose .

4    Check Apply same font to all tick labels.

5    Click OK.


1    Double-click the y-scale.

2    Click the Alignment tab.

3    In Angle, enter 25.

4    Click OK.