Example of editing time series plot and area graph time scale
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Suppose you have created a time scale plot of sales by quarter and year, starting with the first quarter of 2000. You would like to change the time scale to a generic index without reference to year.

Step 1: Create the graph

1    Open the worksheet NEWMARKET.MTW.

2    Choose Graph > Time Series Plot > choose Simple > OK.

3    In Series, enter SalesB.

4    Click Time/Scale, then click the Time tab.

5    Under Time Scale, choose Calendar. From the menu, choose Quarter Year.

6    Under Start Values, choose One set for all variables.

7    Under Quarter, type 1. Under Year, type 2000.

8    Click OK in each dialog box.

Step 2: Edit time

1    Double-click the time scale.

2    Click the Time tab.

3    Under Time Scale, choose Index.

4    Click OK.

Graph window output