Time Series Plot > Time/Scale > Time
Use to specify a time scale for the x-axis. After you create a graph you can:
Time Scale
Index: Choose to label the x-axis with integers.
Calendar: Choose to label the x-axis with a calendar scale, then choose the calendar units.
Clock: Choose to label the x-axis with a clock scale, then choose the clock units.
Stamp: Choose to label the x-axis with values from one or more stamp columns.
Stamp columns (1-3): Enter up to three columns containing stamp values.
Start Values (not available with all graphs)
One set for all variables: Choose to use the same start values for each variable. Type the integer start values.
One set for each variable: Choose to use a different set of start values for each variable. For each variable, type the integer start values.
Data Increment: Type the interval between successive worksheet observations on the innermost time scale.