Example of a clustered bar chart of a two-way table
main topic
    interpreting results     session commands    see also 

You are a quality engineer for a tire company and you need to look at the various causes for tire repairs in the past year. You suspect that the causes vary by quarter, so you want to cluster them by quarter.

1    Open the worksheet TIRES.MTW.

2    Choose Graph > Bar Chart.

3    From Bars represent, choose Values from a table.

4    Under Two-way table, choose Cluster. Click OK.

5    In Graph variables, enter 'Damaged Liner'  'Damaged Sidewall'  'Leak from Seating'  'Puncture'  'Valve Core Leak'  'Valve Stem Leak'.

6    In Row labels, enter Quarter.

7    Click Bar Chart Options.

8    Under Order Main X Groups By, choose Decreasing Y. Click OK in each dialog box. 

Graph window output

Interpreting the results

The most frequent cause of air loss is Puncture, followed by Valve Stem Leak, Damaged Sidewall, Valve Core Leak, Damaged Liner, and Leak From Seating.


To see a bar's y-axis value, hover your cursor over the bar.

A disproportionate amount of punctures occurred in the third quarter. You may want to further investigate this phenomenon.