Example of a simple boxplot
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You want to examine the overall durability of your carpet products. Samples of the carpet products are placed in four homes and you measure durability after 60 days. Create a boxplot to examine the distribution of durability scores.

1    Open the worksheet CARPET.MTW.

2    Choose Graph > Boxplot.

3    Under One Y, choose Simple. Click OK.

4    In Variables, enter Durability. Click OK.

Graph window output

Interpreting the results


To see precise information for Q1, median, Q3, interquartile range, whiskers, and N, hover your cursor over any part of the boxplot.

The boxplot shows:

·    The median durability score is 12.95.

·    The interquartile range is 10.575 to 17.24.

·    No outliers are present.

·    The range is 7.03 to 22.5.

·    The longer upper whisker and large box area above the median indicate that the data have a slight positive skewness - the right tail of the distribution is longer than the left tail.