Example of each y versus each x with smoother lines
main topic
    interpreting results      session command    
see also 

You've collected data on resting (Pulse 1) and post-workout (Pulse 2) pulse rates from a group of college-age students and want to examine the relationship between these readings and a number of other variables. Only the pulse rates of those who completed the workout are included (Ran = 1). Because you are only interested in the relationship between the pulse readings and the other group of descriptors, an each y versus each X matrix plot is most appropriate. To help visualize the relationships, create a matrix plot of each y versus each x with smoother lines.

1    Open the worksheet PULSE.MTW.

2    Choose Graph > Matrix Plot.

3    Choose Each Y versus each X - With Smoother, then click OK.

4    In Y variables, enter Pulse1 Pulse2.

5    In X variables, enter Height Weight.

6    Click Data Options, then click the Subset tab.

7    Under Include or Exclude, choose Specify which rows to include.

8    Under Specify Which Rows To Include, choose Rows that match. Click Condition.

9    Under Condition, enter Ran = 1. Click OK in each dialog box.

Graph window output

Interpreting the results

The strongest relationship seems to be between weight and the post-workout pulse rate.


To see the row number and x- and y-values for a symbol, hover your cursor over it.