Pie Chart - Options
main topic
    see also  

Graph > Pie Chart > Pie Options

Use to specify the slice order, slice starting angle, and the minimum category size for separate slices. After creating a pie chart, you can also:

·    Change the slice order, start angle, and pie diameter (see Edit Pie - Options).

·    Explode slices (see Edit Pie - Explode).

·    Change the slice attributes (see Edit Pie - Attributes).

Dialog box items

Order slices by  

Default: Choose to accept the default slice order. For counts data, the slice order is increasing value for numeric and date/time data; or alphabetical for text data. For summarized data, the default slice order is the order in which the categories appear in the worksheet.  To use a different order for text data, see Ordering text categories.

Increasing volume: Choose to order slices from smallest to largest.

Decreasing volume: Choose to order slices from largest to smallest.

Start angle: Type the starting angle in degrees for the slices. By default, slices start at 90° (12 o'clock) and go clockwise.

Combine slices of this percent or less: Type a minimum percentage for separate slices. Categories less than this percentage are grouped into a slice named Other, which is always placed last.