Example of a single probability distribution plot
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Suppose you are analyzing the distribution of operational hours for a machine part. Previous company research suggests that a lognormal distribution with a location of 8, scale of 0.5, and a threshold of 0 models the data well. To visualize this distribution, you use Probability Distribution Plot.

1    Choose Graph > Probability Distribution Plot.

2    Choose View Single, then click OK.

3    From Distribution, choose Lognormal.

4    In Location, type 8.

5    In Scale, type 0.5.

6    Click OK.

Graph window output

Interpreting the results

The distribution curve helps you visualize a lognormal distribution with the specified parameters. For the machine part, life span probability appears to peak at approximately 2300 hours. However, most parts will last longer than 2300 hours with a few lasting many times that. It is highly unlikely that a part will last less than 400 hours.