Accelerated Life Testing - Storage
main topic
     see also 

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Accelerated Life Testing > Storage

You can store three types of residuals and information on the estimated equation.

Dialog box items

Residuals: Check any of the residual types below to store them in the worksheet.

Ordinary: Check to store ordinary residuals.

Standardized: Check to store standardized residuals.

Cox-Snell: Check to store Cox-Snell residuals.

Information on Estimated Equation

Estimated coefficients: Check to store the estimated coefficients.

Standard error of estimates: Check to store the standard error of the estimated coefficients.

Confidence limits for coefficients: Check to store the confidence limits for the coefficients.

Variance/covariance matrix: Check to store the variance/covariance matrix for the estimated coefficients.

Log-likelihood for last iteration: Check to store the log-likelihood for the last iteration.