Transforming the accelerating variable
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If you assume a linear relationship then no transformation is needed. Any change in failure time or loge failure time is directly proportional to the change in the accelerating variable.

A loge (power) relationship is used to model the life of products running under constant stress. The loge (power) relationship is most often used in combination with a loge-based failure time distribution. When it is used in combination with a loge-based failure time distribution, an inverse power relationship results. Common applications of the loge transformations include electrical insulations, metal fatigue, and ball bearings.

Based on the Arrhenius Rate Law, the rate of a simple chemical reaction depends on the temperature. This relationship is often used to describe failures due to degradation caused by a chemical reaction. Common applications of the Arrhenius transformation include electrical insulations, semiconductor devices, solid state devices, and plastics.

Arrhenius transformation =



  ° C + 273.16 

The inverse temperature transformation is a simple relationship that assumes that failure time is inversely proportional to Kelvin temperature. The inverse and Arrhenius transformations have similar results, but the coefficients have different interpretations.

Inverse temperature transformation =



    ° C + 273.16