Nonparametric Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) - Storage
main topic
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Nonparametric Distribution Analysis > Storage

You can store various probability and rate estimates.

Dialog box items

Enter number of levels in by variable: If all of the samples are stacked in one column, enter the number of levels the column of grouping indicators contains.

Nonparametric estimates Check any of the items below to store them in the worksheet.

Times for probabilities: Check to store times for survival probabilities and cumulative failure probabilities.

Survival probabilities: Check to store survival probabilities.

Standard error for survival probabilities: Check to store standard errors for survival probabilities.

Confidence limits for survival probabilities: Check to store confidence limits for survival probabilities.

Cumulative failure probabilities: Check to store cumulative failure probabilities.

Standard error for cumulative failure probabilities: Check to store standard errors for cumulative failure probabilities.

Confidence limits for cumulative failure probabilities: Check to store confidence limits for cumulative failure probabilities.

Hazard rates: Check to store the hazard estimates. Available when you choose the Actuarial estimation method.

Times for hazard rates: Check to store the times for the hazard estimates. Available when you choose the Actuarial estimation method.