To request actuarial estimates
main topics

1    In the main dialog box, click Estimate.

2    Under Estimation Method, check Actuarial.

3    With Nonparametric Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring), do one of the following:

·    use equally spaced time intervals - choose 0 to_by_ and enter numbers in the boxes. For example, 0 to 100 by 20 gives you these time intervals: 0-20, 20-40, and so on up to 80-100.

·    use unequally spaced time intervals - choose Enter endpoints of intervals, and enter a series of numbers, or a column of numbers, in the box. For example, entering 0 4 6 8 10 20 30, gives you these time intervals: 0-4, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, 10-20, and 20-30.

4    Click OK.


To display hazard and density estimates in the Actuarial table, from the main dialog box, click Results. Do one of the following and then click  :

With Nonparametric Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring), choose In addition, hazard, density (actuarial method) estimates and log-rank and Wilcoxon statistics.

With Nonparametric Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring), choose In addition, hazard and density estimates (actuarial method).