Parametric Distribution Analysis - Estimate
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) or Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis > Estimate

Choose the estimation used to estimate percentiles and survival probabilities for specified values. For more information on selecting estimation methods, see Least squares estimates versus maximum likelihood estimates.

You can also enter a confidence level that Minitab will use for all confidence intervals.

Dialog box items

Estimation Method

Maximum Likelihood: Choose to estimate the distribution parameters using the maximum likelihood method, which maximizes the likelihood function.

Least Squares (failure time(X) on rank(Y)): Choose to estimate the distribution parameters using the least squares (XY) method, which fits a regression line to the points in a probability plot.

Assume common shape (slope-Weibull) or scale (1/slope-other dists): Check to estimate the parameters while assuming a common shape or scale parameter.

Bayes analysis

Set shape (slope-Weibull) or scale (1/slope-other dists) at: Enter a value for the shape or scale parameter for all the response variables, or enter a list of values for the shape or scale that is equal in length to the number of variables.

Set threshold at: Enter a value for the threshold parameter for all the variables, or enter a list of values equal to the number of response variables. Minitab estimates threshold parameters if you do not provide values to use.

Estimate percentiles for these additional percents: Enter the additional percents for which you want to estimate percentiles. You can enter individual percents (0 < P < 100) or a column of percents.

Estimate probabilities for these times (values): Enter one or more times or a column of times for which you want to calculate survival probabilities or cumulative failure probabilities.

Estimate survival probabilities: Choose to estimate survival probabilities.

Estimate cumulative failure probabilities: Choose to estimate cumulative failure probabilities.

Confidence level: Enter a confidence level for all of the confidence intervals. The default is 95.0%.

Confidence intervals: Choose to use two-sided confidence intervals (the default) or just an upper or lower confidence bound.