Parametric Distribution Analysis - Results
main topics
     see also 

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) or Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis > Results

You can control the display of Session window output.

Dialog box items

Control the Display of Results

Display nothing: Choose to suppress all Session window output.

Variable information, censoring information, estimated parameters, log-likelihood, goodness-of-fit and tests of parameters: Choose to display censoring information and the estimation method. Minitab also displays the assumed distribution, parameter estimates, and tests of parameters.

In addition, characteristics of distribution, table of percentiles and survival probabilities: Choose to also display the MTTF, standard deviation, median, quartile information, and percentiles. If you select survival probabilities in the Estimate subdialog box, Minitab also displays them.

Display analyses for individual failure modes according to display of results: Check to display the results chosen above for each failure mode.

Show log-likelihood for each iteration of algorithm: Check to show the log-likelihood for each iteration of algorithm.