Parametric Distribution Analysis - Storage
main topics
     see also 

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) or Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis > Storage

You can store characteristics of the fitted distribution and information on the distribution parameters in your worksheet. With multiple failure modes, you can store information pertaining to the overall distribution only.

Dialog box items

Enter number of levels in by variable If all of the samples are stacked in one column, enter the number of levels the column of grouping indicators contains.

Characteristics of Fitted Distribution

Percentiles: Check to store percentiles.

Percents for percentiles: Check to store percents for percentiles.

Standard error of percentiles: Check to store standard error of percentiles.

Confidence limits for percentiles: Check to store confidence limits for percentiles.

Times for probabilities: Check to store times for survival probabilities and cumulative failure probabilities. Available when you estimate survival probabilities or cumulative failure probabilities at different times.

Survival probabilities: Check to store survival probabilities. Available when you estimate survival probabilities at different times.

Confidence limits for survival probabilities: Check to store confidence limits for survival probabilities. Available when you estimate survival probabilities at different times.

Cumulative failure probabilities: Check to store cumulative failure probabilities. Available when you estimate cumulative failure probabilities at different times.

Confidence limits for cumulative failure probabilities: Check to store confidence limits for cumulative failure probabilities. Available when you estimate cumulative failure probabilities at different times.

Information on Parameters Choose to store the following when you have a single failure mode.

Parameters estimates: Check to store parameter estimates.

Standard error of estimates: Check to store standard error of parameter estimates.

Confidence limits for parameters: Check to store confidence limits for parameters.

Variance/covariance matrix: Check to store the variance / covariance matrix.

Log-likelihood for last iteration: Check to store the log-likelihood ratio for the last iteration.