Parametric Distribution Analysis - Test
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) or Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis > Test

Tests whether distribution parameters for a sample equal specified values, and whether two or more samples share the same shape, scale, location, or threshold parameters.

Minitab performs Wald Tests [7] and provides Bonferroni 95.0% confidence intervals for the following hypothesis tests:

·    Whether the distribution parameters (scale, shape, location, or threshold) are consistent with specified values

·    Whether the sample comes from the historical distribution

·    Whether two or more samples come from the same population

·    Whether two or more samples share the same shape, scale, location, or threshold parameters

Dialog box items

Consistency of Sample with Value

Test shape (slope-Weibull) or scale (1/slope-other dists) equal to: Enter a test value to compare the sample's shape (Weibull) or scale (other distributions).

Test scale (Weibull or expo) or location (other dists) equal to: Enter a test value to compare  the sample's scale (Weibull or exponential) or location (other distributions).

Test threshold equal to: Enter a test value to compare the sample's threshold.

Equality of Parameters

Test for equal shape (slope-Weibull) or scale (1/slope-other distributions): Check to test whether two or more samples have the same shape or scale.

Test for equal scale (Weibull or expo) or location (other distributions): Check to test whether two or more samples have the same scale or location.

Test for equal threshold: Check to test whether two or more samples have the same threshold.


For 2-parameter distributions, check the first two Equality of Parameters options to test whether two or more samples come from the same population. For 3-parameter distributions, check all Equality of Parameters options, to test the same.