Example of a Probit Analysis
main topic
     interpreting results     session command     see also 

Suppose you work for a light bulb manufacturer and have been asked to determine bulb life for two types of bulbs at typical household voltages. The typical line voltage entering a house is 117 volts + 10% (or 105 to 129 volts).

You subject the two bulbs to five stress levels within that range: 108, 114, 120, 126, and 132 volts, and define an event as: The bulb fails before 800 hours.

1    Open the worksheet LIGHTBUL.MTW.

2    Choose Stat > Reliability/Survival > Probit Analysis.

3    Choose Response in event/trial format.

4    In Number of events, enter Blows. In Number of trials, enter Trials.

5    In Stress (stimulus), enter Volts.

6    In Factor (optional), enter Type.

7    From Assumed distribution, choose Weibull.

8    Click Estimate. In Estimate probabilities for these stress values, enter 117, then click OK.

9    Click Graphs. Uncheck Display confidence intervals on above plots. Click OK in each dialog box.

Session Window Output:

Probit Analysis: Blows, Trials versus Volts, Type



Distribution:   Weibull



Response Information


Variable  Value      Count

Blows     Event        192

          Non-event    308

Trials    Total        500



Factor Information


Factor  Levels  Values

Type         2  A, B


Estimation Method: Maximum Likelihood



Regression Table



Variable      Coef     Error       Z      P

Constant  -97.0190   7.67326  -12.64  0.000

Volts      20.0192   1.58695   12.61  0.000


 B        0.179368  0.159832    1.12  0.262


Response         0


Test for equal slopes:  Chi-Square = 0.258463  DF = 1  P-Value = 0.611


Log-Likelihood = -214.213



Goodness-of-Fit Tests


Method    Chi-Square  DF      P

Pearson      2.51617   7  0.926

Deviance     2.49188   7  0.928



Type = A


Tolerance Distribution



Parameter Estimates


                     Standard   95.0% Normal CI

Parameter  Estimate     Error    Lower    Upper

Shape       20.0192   1.58695  17.1384  23.3842

Scale       127.269  0.737413  125.832  128.722



Table of Percentiles


                                95.0% Fiducial

                     Standard         CI

Percent  Percentile     Error    Lower    Upper

      1     101.141   1.84244  96.9868  104.341

      2     104.731   1.63546  101.043  107.573

      3     106.901   1.50897  103.501  109.527

      4     108.476   1.41713  105.287  110.946

      5     109.720   1.34490  106.698  112.068

      6     110.753   1.28539  107.868  113.001

      7     111.639   1.23483  108.872  113.802

      8     112.416   1.19095  109.752  114.506

      9     113.110   1.15225  110.536  115.135

     10     113.737   1.11771  111.246  115.706

     20     118.082  0.898619  116.121  119.700

     30     120.881  0.790097  119.201  122.342

     40     123.069  0.735850  121.550  124.472

     50     124.960  0.717911  123.523  126.372

     60     126.714  0.728520  125.299  128.191

     70     128.454  0.764984  127.010  130.050

     80     130.330  0.830361  128.802  132.108

     90     132.683  0.943441  130.989  134.754

     91     132.980  0.959732  131.261  135.092

     92     133.298  0.977596  131.551  135.455

     93     133.641  0.997402  131.864  135.848

     94     134.018   1.01968  132.206  136.280

     95     134.439   1.04522  132.587  136.765

     96     134.922   1.07534  133.023  137.323

     97     135.500   1.11242  133.542  137.993

     98     136.243   1.16159  134.207  138.857

     99     137.358   1.23831  135.198  140.159



Table of Survival Probabilities


                      95.0% Fiducial CI

Stress  Probability     Lower     Upper

   117     0.830608  0.780679  0.878549



Type = B


Tolerance Distribution



Parameter Estimates


                     Standard   95.0% Normal CI

Parameter  Estimate     Error    Lower    Upper

Shape       20.0192   1.58695  17.1384  23.3842

Scale       126.134  0.704348  124.761  127.522



Table of Percentiles


                                95.0% Fiducial

                     Standard         CI

Percent  Percentile     Error    Lower    Upper

      1     100.239   1.86171  96.0399  103.471

      2     103.797   1.65621  100.059  106.673

      3     105.947   1.53027  102.496  108.607

      4     107.508   1.43857  104.267  110.012

      5     108.742   1.36626  105.666  111.123

      6     109.765   1.30652  106.828  112.045

      7     110.643   1.25563  107.823  112.837

      8     111.413   1.21135  108.697  113.533

      9     112.101   1.17218  109.476  114.156

     10     112.723   1.13711  110.180  114.720

     20     117.028  0.910842  115.029  118.659

     30     119.803  0.792908  118.102  121.256

     40     121.972  0.727988  120.452  123.344

     50     123.845  0.698947  122.429  125.203

     60     125.584  0.698766  124.211  126.984

     70     127.309  0.725223  125.925  128.806

     80     129.168  0.781440  127.719  130.828

     90     131.500  0.885656  129.901  133.434

     91     131.794  0.901010  130.172  133.767

     92     132.109  0.917912  130.461  134.125

     93     132.449  0.936720  130.773  134.513

     94     132.822  0.957949  131.114  134.939

     95     133.240  0.982380  131.493  135.418

     96     133.719   1.01129  131.927  135.969

     97     134.292   1.04700  132.444  136.631

     98     135.028   1.09453  133.104  137.484

     99     136.132   1.16901  134.090  138.772



Table of Survival Probabilities


                      95.0% Fiducial CI

Stress  Probability     Lower     Upper

   117     0.800867  0.745980  0.854567



Table of Relative Potency

Factor: Type


            Relative  95.0% Fiducial CI

Comparison   Potency     Lower    Upper

A VS B      0.991080  0.975363  1.00678

Graph window output:


Interpreting the results

The goodness-of-fit tests (p-values = 0.926, 0.928) and the probability plot suggest that the Weibull distribution fits the data adequately. Since the test for equal slopes is not significant (p-value = .611), the comparison of light bulbs will be similar regardless of the voltage level. In this case, the light bulbs A and B are not significantly different because the coefficient associated with type B is not significantly different than 0 (p-value = .262).

At 117 volts, what percentage of the bulbs lasts beyond 800 hours? Eight-three percent of the bulb A's and 80% of the bulb B's last beyond 800 hours.

At what voltage do 50% of the bulbs fail before 800 hours? The table of percentiles shows you that 50% of bulb A's fail before 800 hours at 124.96 volts; 50% of bulb B's fail before 800 hours at 123.85 volts.