Regression with Life Data - Options
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Regression with Life Data > Options

You can estimate the model parameters from the data or enter historical estimates - see Estimating the Model Parameters for more information. You can also change the reference level for a factor.

Dialog box items

Estimate model parameters: Choose to estimate the model parameters from the data.

Use starting estimates: If you have starting estimates, enter one column to be used for all of the response variables, or a separate column for each response variable. The column(s) should contain one value for each coefficient in the regression table, in the order that the coefficients appear in the regression table.

Maximum number of iterations: Enter a positive integer to specify the maximum number of iterations for the Newton-Raphson algorithm.

Set shape (Weibull) or scale (other distributions) at: To estimate other model coefficients while holding the shape or scale parameter fixed, enter one value to be used as the shape or scale parameter for all of the response variables, or a number of values equal to the number of response variables.

Use historical estimates: Choose to enter your own estimates for the model parameters. Enter one column to be used for all of the response variables, or a separate column for each response variable. The column(s) should contain one value for each coefficient in the regression table, in the order that the coefficients appear in the regression table.

Reference factor level (enter factor followed by level): For each factor you want to set the reference level for, enter a factor column followed by a value specifying the reference level. For text values, the value must be in double quotes. For date/time values, store the value as a constant and then enter the constant.