To estimate percentiles and survival probabilities
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     see also

You can estimate percentiles and survival probabilities for new predictor values, or the values in your data.

1    In the Regression with Life Data dialog box, click Estimate.

2    Do one of the following:

·    To enter new predictor values: In Enter new predictor values, enter a set of predictor values (or columns containing sets of predictor values) for which you want to estimate percentiles or survival probabilities. The predictor values must be in the same order as the main effects in the model. For an illustration, see Example of regression with life data.

·    To use the predictor values in the data, choose Use predictor values in data (storage only). Because of the potentially large amount of output, Minitab stores the results in the worksheet rather then printing them in the Session window.

3    Do any of the following, then click OK:

·    To estimate percentiles, enter the percents or a column of percents in Estimate percentiles for percents. By default, Minitab estimates the 50th percentile. If you want to look at the beginning, middle, and end of the product's lifetime for a given predictor value, enter 10 50 90 (the 10th, 50th, 90th percentiles). Minitab then estimates how long it takes for 10% of the units to fail, 50% of the units to fail, and 90% of the units to fail.

·    To estimate survival probabilities, enter the times or a column of times in Estimate probabilities for times. For example, when you enter 70 (units in hours in this example), Minitab estimates the probability, for each predictor value, that the unit will survive past 70 hours.