To determine testing time or sample size for a demonstration test
main topic
    see also 

1    Choose Stat > Reliability/Survival > Test Plans > Demonstration.

2    Under Minimum Value to be Demonstrated, choose one of the following:

·    Scale (Weibull or expo) or location (other dists) to provide the scale of Weibull or exponential distributions or the location of other distributions, then enter the scale or location.

·    Percentile, then enter the percentile. In Percent, enter a number between 0 and 100 for the associated percent.

·    Reliability, then enter a reliability value between zero and one. In Time, enter the time.

·    MTTF to provide the mean time to failure, then enter the time.

3    In Maximum number of failures allowed, enter a number greater than or equal to zero. See m-failure test plan.

4    Under Specify values for one of the following, choose either:

·    Sample sizes, then enter the number of units available for testing.

·    Testing times for each unit, then enter each unit's test duration.


Each combination of maximum number of failures allowed and sample size or testing time will result in one test plan. You may wish to request several test plans and compare the results.

5    Under Distribution Assumptions, choose any distribution from Distribution. Then, enter an estimate of the shape or scale in Shape (Weibull) or scale (other dists). See estimating the shape or scale.

6    If you like, use any dialog box options, then click OK.