References for ANOVA

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[25]  L.S. Nelson (1974). "Factors for the Analysis of Means," Journal of Quality Technology, 6, 175-181.

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[28]  J. Neter, W. Wasserman, and M.H. Kutner (1985). Applied Linear Statistical Models, Second Edition. Irwin, Inc.

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[30]  E.R. Ott (1983). "Analysis of Means-A Graphical Procedure," Journal of Quality Technology, 15, 10-18.

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[32]  P.R. Ramig (1983). "Applications of the Analysis of Means," Journal of Quality Technology, 15, 19-25.

[33]  E.G. Schilling (1973). "A Systematic Approach to the Analysis of Means," Journal of Quality Technology, 5, 93-108, 147-159.

[34]  S.R. Searle, G. Casella, and C.E. McCulloch (1992). Variance Components. John Wiley & Sons.

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[37]  B.J. Winer (1971). Statistical Principles in Experimental Design, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill.

Additional Resources

[38]  A white paper with simulations and other information about the Multiple Comparisons Method is available from our website at


We are grateful for assistance in the design and implementation of multiple comparisons from Jason C. Hsu, Department of Statistics, Ohio State University and for the guidance of James L. Rosenberger, Statistics Department, The Pennsylvania State University, in developing the Balanced ANOVA, Analysis of Covariance, and General Linear Models procedures.