2-Sample Poisson Rate - Options
main topic
    see also     

Stat > Basic Statistics > 2-Sample Poisson Rate > Options


·    Lengths of observation

·    Confidence level

·    Alternate hypothesis

·    A pooled estimate of rate for both samples.

Dialog box items

Confidence level: Enter the level of confidence desired. Enter any number between 0 and 100; entries between 0 and 1 are interpreted as percentages. Therefore, entering either 90 or 0.9 will result in a 90% confidence interval. The default is 95.

Hypothesized difference: Enter the hypothesized value of the difference in population rates for the null hypothesis.

Alternative hypothesis: Enter Difference < hypothesized difference (lower-tailed), Difference hypothesized difference (two-tailed), or Difference > hypothesized difference (upper-tailed). If you choose a lower-tailed or an upper-tailed hypothesis test, Minitab calculates an upper or lower confidence bound, respectively, instead of a full confidence interval.

Test method: Choose to the estimate the rate of each population separately by using the observed sample rates or use the pooled estimate of the occurrence rate for both populations. The value for Hypothesized difference must equal zero to use the pooled estimate.

Lengths of observation [time, items, area, etc.]: Enter the lengths of the observation periods for each sample. If you enter one value, Minitab applies that value to both samples. If you enter two values, each one applies only to its respective sample. The default value is 1.