2 Variances - Results
main topic
    see also

Stat > Basic Statistics > 2 Variances > Results

Choose the results to display.

Dialog box items

Method: Check to display the method information, including the null hypothesis, the alternative hypothesis, and the significance level (also called a).

Statistics: Check to display descriptive statistics including the standard deviation of each sample, the variance of each sample, and the confidence interval for the standard deviation or the variance of each sample. The ratio of the standard deviations and the ratio of the variances are also displayed.

Confidence intervals: Check to display confidence intervals for the ratio of the standard deviations and the ratio of  the variances.

Test: Check to display the results of the test, including the degrees of freedom, the test statistics, and the p-values. When the sample sizes are unequal, the test statistic for Bonett's method is undefined. However the p-value can be calculated by inverting the confidence interval procedure.